
Our Recycling Plant

Our state-of-the-art Materials Recycling Facility at Warwick.

What Happens to Your Waste and Recycling?

We're proud of our state-of-the-art Materials Recovery Facility at Warwick. Customer site visits are available upon request.

A Carbon Neutral Company

Each year our carbon footprint is independently assessed to calculate the total amount of carbon dioxide our operation has produced.

We strive to continue to minimise our carbon footprint; however, there are areas of our operation where the technology is not yet reliable enough for us to switch to low carbon alternatives, for example, our fleet of collection vehicles.

We support several renewable energy projects worldwide, all meeting the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS). The carbon dioxide emissions we prevent by funding these projects are equivalent to the amount our company produces in one year.

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We are proud to say that each year we recycle 5000 tons of paper and cardboard, which saves:

83,000 trees

7.3 million litres of oil

4.5 million litres of water

Contact Us

Reach out to our qualified experts to get a free business waste no-obligation quote.

Leave your name and email, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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