Why are my Dry Mixed Recycling and Residual Containers being loaded into the same Vehicle?
Our state-of-the-art recycling plant is able to separate the comingled material we collect, however source separating the material means your business can be fairly charged for the material you are producing.
Why am I being charged separately if it’s all going to the same processing facility?
Your Dry Mixed Recycling or Comingled bin contains recoverable commodities whereas your Residual Waste bin contains material that cannot be recycled. This is why we weigh your container each time it is emptied so we can charge according to your waste type. The disposal cost is determined by the type of material we are collecting.
Why can’t I put Food Waste in my Residual container?
Fortress has a dedicated collection service for customers producing food. Food waste is a real problem for recycling plants. It contaminates recycling streams, such as paper and cardboard, turning it from material with a value into waste that cannot be recycled with a high disposal cost.
Why can’t I put Glass in my Dry Mixed Recycling Container? Fortress has a dedicated collection service for customers producing glass, this enables us to achieve the maximum amount of glass recycling at the lowest cost to you.
Why has my bin not been emptied?
We will not empty your container if it is contaminated with the wrong waste. You will receive an email informing you of the contamination requesting that you inform us when the contamination has been removed so we can reschedule your collection. Other reasons we may be unable to complete your collection are if your container is overloaded or there may have been access issues. In all instances we will be in touch to let you know and arrange for the collection to be made as soon as the issue has been rectified.
Our friendly team is always on hand to speak to if you have any queries or issues, just call Freephone 0800 731 3400 or email info@fortressrecycling.com.